Gerald Hodgett was a past president of FHS, editor of the Journal, and a member of the executive committee for many years. The Friends Historical Society (FHS) received a legacy from him, from which it is able to finance grants to those undertaking research into Quaker history.
The main FHS Hodgett Grant scheme awards small grants of up to £500. These grants are intended to help individual historians or groups, whether academic or non-academic, with their expenses in researching Quaker history, or in attending and delivering a paper at a conference or similar event. Grants may also be used for publication costs.
There is a single round per year with a submission date of 31 July. Up to a maximum of four grants may be awarded per annum. Grant payments are made during the following January.
The grants may cover, depending on the nature of the project: cost of travel to archives, accommodation and subsistence, copying charges, publication costs and conference fees. The grants may be used to supplement funding from other sources.
Applications are welcome from all researchers of Quaker history, there is no requirement to be a member of FHS, or a member or attender of the Religious Society of Friends.
Occasionally larger grants are made for specific, one-off projects. These may be given to individuals, institutions or organisations (for example, £2000 was granted in 2020 to aid the completion of a major publication – ‘Quaker Meetings Abroad’). Queries about eligibility and applications for larger grants should be made in the first instance to the Clerk.
Please download and complete the Grant Application Form.
Applications and grant related queries should be sent electronically, under the heading ‘FHS Hodgett Grants’ to:
If preferred, the application materials may be posted to:
The Library
Friends House
Euston Road
Marked as ‘FHS Grants’
Applications must consist of:
A detailed breakdown of costs, and the amount requested from the FHS.
A brief statement about yourself (or your group) and your (or the group’s) interest in Quaker history (up to one side of A4).
Supporting statements from two referees. These may be sent separately, but both must arrive by the deadline.
There is further guidance on the form below.
The deadline for receipt of applications is June 15th each year.
Successful applicants will be notified by the end of October each year.
Grants will be paid in January each year.
A condition of accepting an award is that a 500-word summary of the research or publication supported by the award be submitted for inclusion in the FHS Newsletter.
Successful applicants may alternatively submit an article for inclusion in the Journal of the Friends Historical Society.
In addition, successful applicants must cite the Friends Historical Society as a source of funding support in any and all outputs that arise from the award (e.g. book, article, presentation).